Partnership with Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd

Partnership with Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd

Schwungrad Energie are commencing initial tests on a 400 kilowatt (kW) Hybrid flywheel-battery plant connected to the electrical grid to demonstrate the provision of fast acting stabilisation system services required by the evolving electricity grid.

Hitachi chemical logo

Schwungrad Energie have partnered with Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd to integrate its Valve Regulated Lead Acid battery technology to produce an innovative hybrid system. Pictured below are Nigel and Jake at Hitachi Chemical headquarters.

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The hybrid flywheel-battery will be connected to the electrical grid to provide further system services. The batteries will complement the flywheel technology which is supplies by Beacon Power. The battery technology was selected following research conducted at the department of Physics and Energy at the University of Limerick.

Following demonstration Schwungrad Energie intend to expand and install additional capacity to increase the system support capability connected to the electricity grid.
Schwungrad Energy then intend to scale up to a full commercial deployment of approximately 20 megawatts (MW) of the Hybrid flywheel-battery system. Schwungrad then plan to roll out the technology and install an additional 20 MW units at strategic locations in Ireland and across Europe where electrical grid system services are required by system operators.